Friday, September 27, 2013

Our Class Pets


Each week one student is the designated Zookeeper. It's the Zookeeper's job to feed and water our class critters. This is Spike our Bearded Dragon Lizard.


This is Sunny our Leopard Gecko.



These are baby squirrels. They are just visiting.

A pet pig? No, it's just one of our silly boys. We did read a pretty silly story about a pig this week called, "Pig in a Wig." Now we just need a wig to go with the nose.

Johnny Appleseed

Mapping Johnny Appleseed's Travels. The students learned about legends, keys and compass roses.

These boys were digging my Pampered Chef, "Apple Peeler Corer Slicer!"

Making Apple Crisp

I love the aroma of hot baking apples!

Crispy Brown! Too hot to eat!


Johnny Appleseed Biographies

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Tasting Party

Dill Pickles (sour)

Sour Lemons

Salty Pretzels (He said, "I'm an old man.")

Sweet Cotton Candy

A bitter cup of coffee (no sugar added)

Salty Potato Chips

Our tongues


Monday, September 23, 2013

More Magical Moments!

A friend of mine brought my class tadpoles last Wednesday.

This morning we found baby frogs. Ummm! need to take more pictures...

A Juicy Surprise!

Before school started in August, I discovered a vine growing by my classroom window. At first I thought it was a pumpkin vine because I had placed an old pumpkin there last fall. However, after a closer look I realized it was a watermelon vine. At the end of last school year, my students enjoyed watermelon after a splash day event. They spit the seeds here and "Woolah!" a magical watermelon vine.
Pictured above is the watermelon in August. The vine goes around the corner and spans the length of my classroom. All that vine, lots of flowers, but just ONE watermelon. Hmmm! sounds like a scientific mystery to me. I'm pretty sure there is some Devine influence too.The ONE watermelon grew right outside my science window where the students could observe it everyday without leaving the classroom. 

Here's the watermelon on the 5th of September.
Today we picked the watermelon. When the children were trying to pick it up it slipped, fell, and busted open. It was rainy out so our camera fogged up.

Here they are enjoying this juicy pink treat! I must say it was one of the sweetest watermelons I have ever eaten. Tomorrow we will be drawing and writing about what we LOVE about watermelon. Interestingly enough last Friday I received an email advertising a watermelon poster contest, entries are due September 30th.  I can't wait to see how creative my students get, especially since they've had this recent SWEET experience. These are the best lessons, I just love teachable moments!

Oh, and I have to mention, children are fascinated by seeds. Most of the children wanted to save their seeds. One of my students even stuffed his pockets full of seeds. So moms, if you are wondering why there are seeds in your washer....wonder no more.


Tuesday, September 24th

The class worked on their watermelon contest posters. We talked about staying on topic; using few words to communicate the message ; making large drawings that pop; and framing our work. Hard concepts to teach in a short amount of time. Like anything, some students got it, some need more time. I think we will have a critique tomorrow and let the students decide what works and what does not. We will begin with a self-assessment, my homework tonight, to design a rubric that is fitting for the project.

See Contest Rules at
Some students used mixed media, like oil pastels and marker.

Some used acrylic paint and oil pastels.



Thursday, September 19, 2013

Senses Were Tantalized

Little noses were put to the test as students played a game called, "Mothers and Babies." I learned about this game years ago at a Sea World Mother's Day overnight sleepover event. The game is based on the fact that animal mothers use their sense of smell to identify their babies. In science we have been learning about our five senses. During Read Aloud time, I've been reading, "Helen Keller." We finished the book Tuesday and watched Disney's "Miracle Worker" movie on YouTube on Wednesday. In the movie Helen Keller knows her mother enters the room by her scent. Helen rushes to her and begins to sniff her mother's hand. I set my students to task finding partners by scent. Prior to class I made up 17 containers of cottonballs soaked in 8 different scents. Each student was given a container and took a moment to familiarize himself with his scent. Then on my signal the children mingled and started, "sniffing out" their partners. When they believed they had found matching scents they reported to me so I could check their match. Incredibly all students were successful. I heard lots of giggles and a couple "Eeeew's," as one scent was garlic.

Once students found their partners they went right to work on another activity.  I provided each student with a copy of the hand alphabet. We practiced signing the alphabet the day before. On Pinterest I found an activity, by Rebecca Reid, where students sign the first words Helen signed with a partner. Each partner takes a turn signing to the other who then has to determine what word was spelled.


The students seemed to really enjoy this lesson. Once they completed this activity, the students signed this weeks spelling words.