Einstein taught Ms. Gossett's and three other first grade classes about The Scientific Method. He taught the students the steps for solving a scientific problem. He even let the students conduct an experiment with water, Sprite and raisins.
Note: Einstein was a little too busy shaking bottles of Sprite to take photos, so the class photographer for the week was in charge. The pictures turned out great, however there are no pictures showing the steps to conducting the experiment. Anyway, can you make a hypothesis about what happens when you put raisins in a cup of Sprite? Some students thought the Sprite would turn brown. Others thought the raisins would explode. Still others thought the raisins would float. The raisins actually sink, float to the top and sink again. The carbonation causes bubbles to form on the raisin, lifting the raisin up. When the raisin reaches the surface the bubbles pop and the raisin falls to the bottom. It seemed like the raisins were dancing. At the end of the lesson, Einstein showed the class a California Raisin, "I Heard it Through the Grapevine," Michael Jackson YouTube movie.
During STEM Day students had an opportunity to rotate to other teachers' classrooms to learn about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). In Mrs. Prescott's room the children made a Scientist craftivity and wrote about how they are like scientists.
In Mrs. Lind's room, the children watched a short Brainpop Jr. movie about 3-dimensional shapes (math). Next they engineered a rectangular prism from gum drops candy and toothpicks.
In Mrs. Biance's classroom, the students learned about the tools scientists use. The students worked in stations using thermometers, magnifying glasses, and magnets.
What a great learning day that must have been!!